
A resource blog for young women living with Arthritis

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Happy new year!

Dear friends,

I wanted to take this moment to wish all of you a very happy new year! I hope that you had a great time celebrating and hope that 2015 brings us everything we wish for, especially illness-wise. I have been busy with work and life (and flares) and good times too. I hope all of you are plodding along also and enjoying yourselves! 🙂

I found this really wonderful graphic which I wanted to share with you guys below. In our own corners of the world, we each endure our separate struggles and it’s easy to feel alone with illness. But do remember that together we can work things out. I encourage you to read blogs and join forums for young persons, where you will find people who have gone through similar experiences. I have learned so much from reading about the experiences of others and it has helped me feel more comfortable with my arthritis. Remember too that you are wonderful exactly the way you are and that you can bring a new perspective on life wherever you go. Too often we focus on “fitting in” when we are fine just the way we are (I know this sounds cheesy, but I really mean it 😉 ). Your unique experiences are just as valid as anyone’s, so never be afraid to be yourself. I am thankful for each of you and hope that you have an AMAZING 2015! 🙂

Ms. Rainbow